Cheers to 4 years!
With the 4-year anniversary of Falco Creative Media this month I have been reflecting a lot on what this experience has meant to me and the journey to today. Like every small business person I have had moments of doubt and difficulty, but am so proud to still be here, growing my business, all these years later.
In this post I am going to share some of the highlights and challenges over the past 4 years!
•Launching my business (duh!)
• Launching said business while going through months and months of horrible morning sickness
• Running a new business with a very colicky newborn.
• Purchasing my camera!
• Paying off my camera!
• Joining a partnership with Coppersmith Photography
• Winning the 2019 Best of Woodbury Award in Video Production
• Running a business while going through another very sick pregnancy
• Moving my office space into the Glen Nelson Center
• Being asked to be a woman entrepreneur speaker at World Encounter’s Rose event
• Being asked and becoming a part of the Twin Cities Mom Squad
• Being nominated as a Top 5 finalist for Twin Cities Collective
• Realizing that many of my clients today are companies that have been with me since the VERY beginning!
• Working with over 40 companies since opening FCM! You all are the reason for any success and I thank you ALL for your love and support.
Being an entrepreneur can make all of your wildest dreams come true (like being your own boss!), but running a business is not always glamorous. Here are some of the things I have faced and continue to face…
•Investing in myself. This is an ongoing challenge. Running a video production company can be pricey and I still get anxiety anytime I make a big purchase.
•Dealing with Imposter Syndrome (if you don't know what this is, google it. It’s a real thing.)
•Trying to run a company while going through 2 very sick pregnancies and newborn days. Yes, I have had 2 (amazing, beautiful) sons since opening my company!
•COVID. In April, I was very worried about how FCM was going to make it through 2020. But thanks to so many companies for their loyalty and support (and some adapting to my business practices), we made it through!
•Work-life balance. Enough said.
•Wearing multiple hats. I do love being able to do it all (especially the creative side of the biz) but juggling tasks like finance, legal, admin, etc. can be very daunting (and overwhelming) at times!
•The loneliness that can come from working independently. Luckily, I have met some other amazing entrepreneurs and business owners in Minnesota that can truly empathize with what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and have provided support, friendship and ideas.
Honestly, the list goes on. But, it really has been so rewarding building Falco Creative Media from the ground up and I can’t wait to see where this journey continues to take me!