Let There Be Pumpkin Spice
Happy October, everyone!
For as long as I can remember, fall has been my favorite time of year. I truly believe fall brings out the best in people. Especially me. There is nothing comparable to a nice walk on a cool, crisp fall day with a Pumpkin Spice Latte in hand. In fact, this is exactly what happened in October of 2016 when I came up with the business plan for Falco Creative Media. I remember taking a walk through downtown St. Paul in a cozy sweater with Starbucks to boot and took a seat on a bench outside of the Capitol. As I was taking in my new city and trying to figure out my life plan, something dawned on me, "why not start my own company?!" Here we are 2 years later and I couldn't be more grateful for that beautiful autumn day.
So, what is it about fall that gets the creative juices flowing? To start, there is something so refreshing about chilly nights, foggy mornings, cozy sweaters, a warm fire and apple cider. The tranquility in the crisp air alone makes me want to push the refresh button and refocus my priorities. Not to mention, I love being in our house surrounded by pumpkins and fall-scented candles. It makes working from home much more bearable. I wake up in the morning, straighten up our house, light a wick, pour some pumpkin spice creamer in my coffee and I am ready to tackle my to-do list.
It’s also always in the back of my mind, that I have less than three months to accomplish everything I set out to do this year. It’s a key time to revisit my vision board and make sure I achieve my goals before the ball drops on December 31st.
It’s also a time of renewed enthusiasm. Autumn is the perfect time of year to acquire a new skill or brush up on an existing one. After not taking a single class this summer, I am already signed up for 2 this fall and I am stoked about both.
During my fall decluttering, I took a little trip to IKEA to get myself and my camera equipment a bit more organized! Of course, I couldn’t put together a bookshelf without a cozy fire going.
Spring cleaning? How about fall decluttering?! For some reason in the summer, my office and desk seem to mysteriously collect odds and ends. Last week I, of course, lit a fall-scented candle and put on Casper (yes, I am a huge dork) and cleaned out every nook and cranny of my office. And I can tell you, it has already made a huge difference as far as my productivity level goes this week.
The best part? At the end of the day, I can unwind and watch football after a long Monday or put on the Disney Channel and watch Hocus Pocus any day of the week. Or of course, catch up on one of the dozen shows in my watchlist that return during the fall.
Honestly, there are many reasons to be hyped up for fall, I’ve really only scratched the surface here. So, let’s embrace this magical season and end 2018 with a bang! Check out my previous blog for some inspirational video content ideas that Falco Creative Media can help you with.