Katie's Book Recommendation!

Does it ever feel like whatever is going on in your brain is an ongoing to-do list? Hi, welcome to my world! To give it to you straight, it’s very easy for me to go into brain overload which of course leads to feeling overwhelmed and ultimately, stressed out. It isn’t just about having too much to do — it’s often having too much to think about. Enter, reading. I have quickly learned that opening a book at the end of the day is the best way to train my mind to slow down and relax. All the stress from work or the day just seems to slip away when I lose myself in a story.

Every month my goal is to read at least one book, always whatever we’re reading in my book club and if I am lucky, I can sneak in a 2nd book between book club meetings. So far this year, I have read 13 books and have truly enjoyed all of them (check out my Instagram feed to see which ones I’ve read!). One of the most recent books I finished and would like to recommend is Untamed by Glennon Doyle. 


Synopsis (Penguin Random House): In her most revealing and powerful memoir yet, the activist, speaker, bestselling author, and “patron saint of female empowerment” (People) explores the joy and peace we discover when we stop striving to meet others’ expectations and start trusting the voice deep within us.

"The braver I am, the luckier I get.”

This was one of the most intimate and honest books I have ever read. There are just so many pieces of advice or things the author says that resonates with me. Glennon has a gift of using her own experiences to help explain some basic truths we have never considered in our own lives. I love how true, open and transparent she is in her writing,

 “When a woman finally learns that pleasing the world is impossible, she becomes free to learn how to please herself.”

Glennon wants women to be comfortable with being themselves. She shows us that all of our feelings are valid and we should embrace them so we can be better mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, but most of all better advocates. Untamed is about figuring out how to not care so much about what others think of you and what the world tells you to be.

"Playing, dumb, weak, and silly is a disservice to yourself and to me and to the world. Every time you pretend to be less than you are, you steal permission from other women to exist fully.”

With everything going on in the world right now, this was the perfect time to pick this book up and have a little bit of a wake-up call. You don't have to agree with Glennon completely, but read it with an open mind. This book is likely to anger and empower you all while making you feel vulnerable. It is one of those books that you will walk away from with your head held a little higher. At least I did!


September Monthly Goals!


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