Hello 2020!
Happy 2020! First and foremost, thank you everyone for continuing to follow my journey and support Falco Creative Media! 2019 was great both professionally and personally. Matthew and I welcomed Francis Joseph into the world in March and it has been a whirlwind ever since! Growing our family while watching James and Francis build a relationship has brought me so much joy. I am so grateful for all the time I was able to spend with them this year.
Through pregnancy, birth, the newborn stage and having two under 2, you all have been so patient and supportive, I thank you for that. With the help of my husband, I tried to not miss a beat as far as work goes. I took a short (5 week) maternity leave and welcomed 7 new clients this year. In total, I worked with 16 incredible clients in 2019! It has been so much fun getting to know new people and hear the story of each and every business. Every story is truly unique. It’s why I do what I do.
Of many, one big bright spot last year (weird to refer to 2019 as last year, right?) was moving out of my home office into a co-working space. I am now surrounded by fellow business owners and entrepreneurs and it has been such an inspiration. Having a place to come to work has been a total game changer and I am so thankful for this new opportunity. Not that I wasn't excited to get going every day, but having a beautiful, productive space has brought me more motivation and I seem to approach each day with more eagerness. A piece of business advice I took to heart is to “invest in yourself”. As scary as it can be, that is exactly what I am doing. Looking forward to seeing the positive impact this space will continue to have.
The beginning of a new year is a good time to look back on the year before and find ways to be better. I spent last week watching videos I produced in 2019 and thinking about ways I can take each video to the next level. I am hoping to stretch myself in 2020 and learn new skills. I feel it’s the best way to continue to send my clients the best possible content to express their story.
Now, let’s talk about New Year’s resolutions. When it comes to work, I prefer to call them ‘goals’. For me, they come from a reflection of the past year, and a plan for how I want to move forward in the new year. As much as I would like to share my list of 23 goals with you all, I’ll save you some time and tell you I have a great feeling about 2020. I am hoping to widen my client base, invest more in Falco Creative Media and even have a new business adventure underway (I hope to share this in the upcoming months). All in all, I am hoping to become a more well-rounded and productive entrepreneur in order to tackle every project wholeheartedly. In doing that, I will constantly remind myself why I became an entrepreneur in the first place—to use my passion and knowledge to help businesses grow. I want to dream bigger in 2020. And as cliché as it sounds, we are starting a new decade. Therefore, in everything I do, I hope to start thinking about the next 10 years and all the things I hope to achieve. Now, it’s time to go chase these goals!
Here is to an amazing 2020!