Investing in Video Marketing
Video is a powerful, important medium that all businesses should invest in. With that being said, I have a lot of people ask me, “how much would a 2-minute video cost me?” As much as I wish I could give a firm answer right away, it’s not that simple. The short answer is that it depends.
First and foremost, I will ask you to specify the final project you want delivered. This could be raw (unedited) footage, b-roll, a fully edited video, a video with sound (interviews), or something in between.
While video production costs more than any other content medium, it’s often the most effective. Investing in quality can create content that ages well and creates value for your company and communicates so much more than text.
Here are some of the factors that affect the cost of video production:
The cost will depend on the type of video that you want and whether it will just be editing or a video shoot as well.
The location
The crew needed
If talent/voiceover is required
Pre-production time commitment
Sound/ music
Graphics/ Animation
Post-production requirements
Distribution process
As you can see, there is quite bit that goes into a “simple” 2-minute video. But, with video you get what you pay for. No matter what you want the end product to be, I always deliver a high quality, polished video. Video is a medium on the rise in social media marketing and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon, so it should be taken serious if you want your business to succeed!
To learn more about my actual video production process, read my last blog post!